Friday, November 16, 2012

Response to Jen Rachiele's blog on Immigration Reform

My wheels started turning, when I read Jen Rachiele's blog about immigration reform. In her article, The True Cost of Illegal Immigration , she has thoughtfully detailed several problems associated with illegal immigration. It is doubly frustrating to know that as the federal government fails to enforce laws regarding illegal immigrants, it is also impeding a state's attempt to enforce them.   Many countries require their citizens to carry their documents, and as an American traveling overseas, you could be in big trouble if your not carrying yours. Perhaps some people feel like targets when asked for identification. What would happen to me if an officer asked for  my i.d. and I didn't have it? I have never considered this, but then again why would I not have one?

My father's grandparents immigrated here, one hundred years ago. His grandfather worked and saved his money for four years, to go home and get his wife and son, and bring them here to the United States.  They were proud to become citizens.  I know many people here in Texas have similar stories. Presently, many illegal immigrants flood our southern border come to the U.S. for work and to raise families, and many come here and take advantage of our welfare.We are a compassionate nation, but we are stretched to our limits. The government must enforce immigration laws and resolve what to do with those here illegally.  I agree with Jen when she says, "I look forward to a day when diversity can emerge from a fair and balanced process that we can all agree on".  I would settle for, 'most agree on'.

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